What’s new:
This baby is breech. She’s been in the same position since our 28 week ultrasound and it’s starting to make me panic. After our appointment last Friday where we talked in-depth about what that could mean if she still doesn’t move in the coming weeks, she turned! And then moved right back into her comfy position of laying her head up by my right ribs and her feet at my left hip. Clearly this little lady is stubborn…no idea where she gets that from. Worst case scenario at this point is a c-section which isn’t the end of the world but I had such a great experience with Liam’s delivery that I was really hoping to not have to go that route this go-round. We shall see how she is at our appointment on Monday. After my 34-week appointment on Monday, we start going to see the OB weekly. And next Saturday marks one month until we are supposed to be induced. HOW IS THIS REAL LIFE?!
How I’m Feeling:
Large and in charge. And seriously so achy. Standing up after I’ve been sitting for a while is a feat and makes me feel like I’m 90 years old. I’ve officially reached the point in my pregnancy where I know she needs to keep cooking a little longer but man am I ready to have this baby. I also had a false labor scare earlier this week which was crazy but, thankfully, nothing to worry about. I was having major cramping that was coming in waves to the point that I was using the contraction tracker app I have on my phone to see how consistent they were. Oddly though, there was no belly tightening with them and then they just kind of stopped…I was still having some pain/cramping throughout the day but not nearly as consistent as I had been so of course when I called my doctor’s office the nurse told me to take Tylenol, drink water (duh, already tried that lady!) and rest in a hot bath. Fortunately, all of my symptoms went away which is great but it was still crazy thinking that this baby could make her debut sooner rather than later.
Physical Changes:
This belly is out of control y’all. I have no idea how it’s going to get any bigger over these last few weeks. I was lucky enough to only get stretch marks on my boobs and butt with Liam but noticed a few starting on my belly the other night. I will say, I definitely feel like I’m having an “all belly” pregnancy compared to my pregnancy with Liam. I was giant all over with him and was so swollen. While I have started to notice my rings getting a little snug here and there but otherwise, I have miraculously avoided any swelling in my feet in hands so far. The above picture is from our maternity shoot with Liam at 32 weeks pregnant. I was retaining so much water (check out those cankles!) and was just generally miserable at this point last time so I’m happy to not feel that way this go round.
Food Cravings/Aversions:
Bananas and peanut butter with a sprinkle of cinnamon have been coming in hot recently. It used to be one of my favorite snacks but I haven’t had it in probably over a year until this week. So good and healthy. I also had a random craving for dried apricots which is super weird but I remember eating them when I was around this stage in my pregnancy with Liam too. I guess my body likes the same things? I’m also still loving fruit (watermelon and berries) right now too which again, is the same as my pregnancy with Liam.
I’m still not really feeling meat unless its deli meat, seafood, or pepperoni on a pizza. Ya know, all the healthy stuff.