Hello 3rd Trimester! I am now officially in the 3rd trimester and feeling good! I can’t believe that in TWO (ish) short months we will be meeting this sweet baby girl. Time is seriously flying and while I want to savor every second of Liam being an only child while I still can, I also can’t wait to hold this precious being that is rolling around inside me as we speak.
What’s new:
We had an ultrasound at 28 weeks to check up on Little Miss and her size and, not surprisingly, she is large and in charge just like her brother and was already measuring 3 lbs. and in the 83rd percentile. I was also measuring 2 weeks ahead which is consistent with my last appointment and with Liam. At least we’re consistent? Needless to say, our doctor confirmed the desire to induce a week early to try to prevent another massive baby which I am A-OK with! Who wants to be massively pregnant for an extra week in September if you don’t have to?
I also had the dreaded glucose test at my 28 week appointment and haven’t heard from my doctor so I’m assuming that’s good news! For reference, I failed my 1-hour test with Liam by 2 points but passed the 3 hour with flying colors. But, when he came out the size of a toddler I thought maybe there was a chance I did have gestational diabetes so I was nervous about this test this go ’round. Fingers crossed no news really is good news!
We are also now switching to bi-weekly prenatal appointments now that I’m in the 3rd trimester which makes it even more real.
How I’m Feeling:
All in all I’m still feeling good! I’m definitely starting to get some of the aches and pains associated with pregnancy but still nothing major. My energy has been pretty good but I’m still trying to get in a nap at least once (preferably twice) over the weekend when I can.
I’m also just generally feeling big. This accompanied by the fact that I have had one of the teachers at Liam’s daycare say, “You look like you’re ready now!” in response to me telling her I’m not due until September and a coworker say “Girl, you just blew up overnight!” certainly doesn’t help matters. However, I know I’m still doing better with weight gain than I did with Liam so I try to keep that in perspective but I’m still baffled by the things that leave people’s mouths to pregnant women.
Physical Changes:
Heartburn. Like why? I had heartburn with Liam in like my 9th month of pregnancy I think when he was really pushing on all of my insides but not nearly this early. I will say that it’s really not that bad and is totally manageable compared to when I had it with Liam but considering how low I feel like she has been this whole pregnancy, it just surprised me when I started feeling that all too familiar burn at the back of my throat. I’ve also had some mild swelling here and there. One day a few weeks ago was especially bad and my left foot and ankle (just the left don’t ask me why) was super swollen for seemingly no reason. But after propping it up and resting it went back to normal. Pregnancy is weird.
I’m also SO hot. This past week temperatures got up to 105 (before the heat index) and boy did I feel it! Ever since then I’ve felt like my internal temperature has increased and I’m just warm in general. Our oscillating fan has also made a reappearance at night.
Food Cravings/Aversions
Meat has really sounded terrible. I almost feel like I’m becoming a vegetarian. I mean I’ve eaten some but all in all, I just would prefer to stick to snack foods or fruits and veggies at this stage in the game. Also, I had a Lucky Charms craving hit with a vengeance within the last week. The only time I ever crave and eat Lucky Charms is during pregnancy because I haven’t eaten them since I was pregnant with Liam. But man are they (magically) delicious!
I also think that she is already crowding my stomach and smaller meals bode better especially in the evenings. I’m typically indifferent to a full meal at dinnertime and would prefer to nibble here and there.
I think you look beautiful!