What’s New:
Most excitingly (for the planner in me anyway) we have an induction date! Technically it’s not scheduled with the hospital yet but at my 24 week appointment my doctor confirmed that I will be induced at 39 weeks on September 4th. So we’ll have a baby hopefully by the 5th provided she doesn’t plan to make her debut a little early. I had such a great labor with Liam and went into labor naturally so I do have some slight anxiety around being induced as I know there is an increased risk of c-section with inductions. We had a good conversation with my doctor about it though and I feel good about the plan we have in place for now and once we see if I’m GBS positive or how (if at all) dilated I am prior to induction, I should hopefully be able to labor on my own without any medical intervention.
Other than that, crazy pregnancy dreams have made an appearance. Like seriously, so elaborate and so crazy. I know it’s normal but holy cow do they still catch me off guard sometimes!
How I’m Feeling:
Pretty good overall. I really can’t complain. My only real complaint is this little lady is sitting super low. Really anytime I’m not reclined or laying down she’s putting a ton more pressure on my pelvic area than I had when I was pregnant with Liam. Given how low she is and some of the cramping I’ve had, we’re going to do an ultrasound at my next appointment to check her size and make sure I’m not showing any signs of preterm label.
Physical Changes:
I’ve also started to notice now that the temperature is creeping up that at the end of the day my feet seem to be a little swollen. Not anything crazy or of concern but enough that I know I need to prop them up for a bit at the end of the day. I legit had Frankenstein feet with Liam at the end of my pregnancy so I know towards the end I will definitely get more swollen but right now I’m enjoying that all of my shoes fit and I don’t have cankles. Oh and movement. So much movement. We are already able to see kicks outside my belly which blows my mind.
Food Cravings and Aversions:
Brownies and watermelon have been recent favorites especially now that watermelon is almost at it’s prime. I literally have been making a pan (or two) of brownies a week and cannot get enough! This craving is odd to me as I typically don’t care for brownies much but not now. And cake-like brownies are for the birds! This preggo mama needs them to be fudgy! Fortunately, watermelon is a healthier craving so I like to think it balances out the brownies, right? It doesn’t matter if it’s morning, afternoon or night I can chow down on some watermelon and it’s super refreshing and hydrating (hello pregnancy thirst!). Also, while my craving for lemonade never fully left, my need to have it is back!
As for aversions, I don’t have any crazy aversions thankfully but salmon still hasn’t sounded good at all. I feel like my main “aversion” is really more planning to have something whether it be for dinner on our weekly meal plan or what I’ve packed for lunch, even if it was great the night before, just sounding gross when its time to eat it. Like turns my stomach gross.
It’s amazing how quickly your second pregnancy goes by! I did a lot less Netflix binging the second time around and a lot more running around after a little human.
I love the dresses in both the pictures. So cute! You look happy and healthy and that’s what is important.
My pregnancy aversion to Chinese food is now gone – after 20-some years! I am still not a big fan of it but I will order it 1-2 times a year.
I still don’t really care for Chinese other than once in a blue moon and I think that’s in large part due to your pregnancy aversion that lingered into my childhood lol