What’s New:
Tyler can now feel her movements! She does have a tendency to get stage fright as soon as Tyler puts his hand on my belly but he finally was able to feel a big kick and the smile on his face was priceless. I’ve tried to get Liam to feel her moving as well but he has the attention span of a goldfish so he has yet to feel anything yet. However, I feel like he’s actually starting to get the fact that there is something in my belly (still not sure he knows it’s a baby though) and he’ll talk to my belly and rub it which is so sweet and makes me melt into a giant puddle of mush.
How I’m Feeling:
Large. I know I’m going to get much bigger but I feel like I’ve officially started to feel pregnant and am having some aches and pains that come with pregnancy. Oh and so out of breath! I don’t recall being this out of breath this early with Liam but holy moly I feel like I’m constantly trying to not sound like I just ran a marathon when I just walked up the stairs. And if I carry Liam up the stairs? Forget it. I did notice some minor swelling in my feet at the end of last week but I had been a little busier than normal at work and ran some errands at lunch so I just assume that’s what it was attributed to. As soon as I laid down on the couch and propped my feet up for a bit though the swelling went down. It really is hard to remember that you can’t do everything you used to even if you’re not 30+ weeks pregnant!
Speaking of aches and pains, I was experiencing some consistent and painful cramping that worried me since it went on for a good four days and was nothing like anything I experienced with Liam. After a trip to the doctor and everything looked normal, we just chalked it up to pregnancy aches and pains which was a very welcomed relief.
Diaper Bag / T-shirt / Leggings
Physical Changes:
Other than my belly getting noticeably bigger, not a whole lot has changed since my last update. I gained 60lbs. when I was pregnant with Liam and had already gained a good 20+ pounds by this point. Thankfully, I haven’t gained nearly that much this go round which makes me happy to know I hopefully (key word here) won’t gain that much this time around because 60lbs. gained means 60lbs. to lose regardless of having an 11lb.+ baby.
I still haven’t noticed any (new) stretch marks but got most of the ones I got with Liam in the late 3rd trimester. My skin has been going crazy lately around my mouth and chin which makes me feel like I’m back in high school so that’s awesome. Hopefully that settles down soon.
Food Cravings and Aversions:
I’ve been pretty good in the aversion department honestly. I still have random days where I’ll pack something for lunch and the thought of eating it disgusts me come lunch time but I haven’t had one particular food that I haven’t wanted at all. As for cravings, all I want is carbs. Carbs carbs carbs. And fruit. So much fruit. But then I’ll have a day of eating a lot of carbs and my body literally craves a salad and/or vegetables but I tend to do this pregnant or not. I guess it’s just called balance.
Congratulations on your pregnancy! I enjoyed reading about your experience. My babies are 25 and 26 now, yet reading your experience brought back memories as if they happened yesterday. I’m your neighbor at Char’s (the photo is of my youngest baby).
You look like you are rocking this pregnancy! And I love that diaper bag. My second one was born a few months ago and now I’m a strong believer in the backpack diaper bag! One arm to hold the baby and the other arm to keep my 3 year old from doing/eating/jumping into whatever he isn’t suppose to. : )
Yes! Backpacks are the only way to go now!
I definitely noticed the shortness of breath earlier with our second baby.
I’m glad I’m not the only one then!