This past Sunday our super active little guy turned 9 months old! Can someone please explain to me how in 3 short months Liam will be a year old? I literally don’t even know how that’s possible. When I look at him I no longer see a little baby but an almost-toddler and it absolutely blows my mind.
The saying, “The days are long but the years are short” is so, so true. I’m trying to soak in every possible second of his “babyhood” until he’s a toddler and on the go 24/7…more than he already is.

We’re talking and walking! Well, kind of. This kid is babbling up a storm and now is saying both Da-da and Ba-ba. Still no sign of a Ma-ma anywhere. Womp Womp. In other big news around here, Liam has officially taken his first steps! While crawling is still his favorite mode of transportation, he’s definitely getting bold when it comes to standing by himself and has even let go of the couch to walk over to the ottoman to get to us sitting on the couch. I know it won’t be long before he’s running all over the place.
He also got in his top 2 teeth for a total of 4 teeth all together. I’m starting to think he has some other top teeth coming in based on a) his fussiness and b) the witness of his gums but the jury is still out on that one.
Y’all. I definitely jinxed us. Liam was sleeping so well! And then all the sudden I posted about how his sleep had gotten better and he decided it was cool to wake up at roughly 3:00am every night and then again at 5:45ish. I’m pretty sure it’s safe to say Tyler and I are almost as tired as we were when he was a newborn again. He’s even recently been waking up and won’t settle down unless I bring him into our bed to snuggle up. Which of course allows him to fall back asleep but I am not as lucky. He kicks and flails his arms like a mad man while he sleeps so I basically just wait until he’s asleep enough that I can transfer him back to his crib without him waking up. It’s awesome. Not.
Looks like some more sleep training is in our future. In the mean time, pass the coffee.
The boy still loves to eat! Liam has recently started enjoying a few things off of the menu at his daycare now that he is eating table food and he’s being doing great with it. He will still eat purees but mostly prefers food he can shove in his mouth himself…or rub all over his body as he decided to do last night. In case you didn’t know, sweet potatoes also work great as body paint.
Also, Liam has developed his Dad’s love of ice cream and will literally stand there with his mouth open waiting for you to give him a bite. I know we shouldn’t share it with him at this age (especially since we’re always eating it right before he goes to bed) but he’s just so darn cute it’s hard to say no to that sweet face!
Dixie is still loving snacking on all of the food Liam drops on the floor or whatever we find in the seat of his high chair when we get him out. He also loves leaning over in his high chair and letting her lick his fingers and giggling away. It’s so cute but I know we’re starting terrible habits with Dixie. I’m just glad she’s finally warming up to him.
- Black olives
- Mac ‘n cheese
- Peanut butter on bread/toast
- Pizza
- Ice cream
- Shredded Chicken

- Momma
- MOVING! Standing, pushing his walker, walking along furniture, etc.
- Playing with Dixie
- Babbling or saying Ba-ba or Da-da over and over again
- Squealing/screeching at the top of his lungs
- His pacifier
- Having his nose, hands and/or face wiped
- Taking medicine
- Getting dressed or having his diaper changed – must stay still for too long
- Sitting still for more than 3 seconds
- Being told “no”
9 month favorites (and a few that we’ve been loving):
- Bob Revolution Flex
- Sophie the Giraffe Teether
- Banana Baby Toothbrush Teether
- Baby Einstein Take Along Tunes Musial Toy
- Plum Organics Pouches
- myBaby Soundspa Lullaby Sound Machine and Projector
- Fisher Price Rainforest Jumperoo
- The Nose Frida
- Graco Tablefit High Chair
- Skip Hop Grand Central Take-it-All Diaper Bag
- Fisher Price Learn with Me Zebra Walker
- Baby Einstein Discovering Music Activity Table
- Nuby No-Spill Super Spout Easy Grip Cup
- Mickey Mouse Clubhouse Figure Playset
- Fisher Price Corn Popper (an oldie by goodie!)
- Step2 Water Works Water Table
Book favorites:
Previous Baby Recaps:
Oh my goodness! He is soooo handsome! I hope he will sleep soon so mama can get some good sleep!
Girl, you’re telling me! Mama is tired lol
Awww I loved reading about your little big guys’ 9 month craziness! Sounds as if a lot has been going on this past month! So super cool 😎
Thank you, Jen! He’s a handful for sure but I wouldn’t have it any other way.
O h my, time passes way to quickly…
He’s adorable!!
Thank you, Maddie!
Our two-and-a-half-year-old agrees with your son on a lot of things. He LOVES peanut butter, but still doesn’t like his mouth/hands being cleaned.
Ugh, I don’t understand why they hate getting cleaned up so much! I hate being dirty you’d think they would too. lol
I’m with you on Sophie! My 5-month-old loves that thing! I almost didn’t get one because of the bad press (mold issues), but as long as you wipe it down instead of submerging it in water, it’s no big deal from my understanding. Glad I gave it a chance, it’s really given her some relief.
Yes, Sophie is still a staple for us. We have two 😊 I was concerned about the mold too but we just wipe it off and it works just fine. Definitely not a bath toy though! Lol