- Is this not crazy? I know women are having babies later and later but geez this is nuts!
- I saw another blogger post this and this is so intriguing to me. I never would have considered another way to draw an X. Totally a #7 over here.
- How cool is it that RVA was featured in this Bloomberg article for one of the best food towns in America? Our little city isn’t so little anymore!
- So I admittedly hate Peeps but how cool is it that they’re doing a Willy Wonka-esque tour? It would be super cool except for the Peeps part. Real question though – do you think they have a glass elevator??
- The 4 month sleep regression has hit us HARD the last few days…even though Ellie will be 5 months old next week. When will I get a solid 8 hour stretch of sleep again??
- How amazing do these look for a Super Bowl appetizer? It combines two of my favorite apps all in one! Thinking we’ll have to add these to our menu for Sunday.
- Apparently I’m breaking the Millennial mold (OK, only partially) but how do people not sing to their babies?! Liam requests that I sing at night and I hope Ellie grows to love it as much as he does. I’m no Whitney Houston but it’s still soothing to them and I hope they grow up to do the same for their kids.
- As far as resolutions go, I made sugar cookies with Liam on Saturday and they were all gone by Sunday night. Killin’ it.
The X thing baffled me. I am a #8 and have never thought others did it differently, LOL.
I’m sure the kiddos love their mom singing to them, who wouldn’t? And you have a lovely voice!