- We had a super busy weekend with going to the fair and apple picking and I completely overloaded myself on yummy food like the above apple cider donut. Why are they so good?!
- Also, if you’re expecting or have a little one who is small enough to carry and you don’t have the carrier I’m using above, you need it! I had a Baby Bjorn and while it gets the job done it’s incredibly uncomfortable to wear. This one is yoga pant material and is super comfy for both me and Ellie. It was so much easier having her in there than trying to push the stroller.
- Can we just talk about how nice it is to have all of the Fall TV back on? We have an abundance on the DVR at all times it feels like. And in 2 weeks Hallmark start’s playing Christmas movies all day every day and I cannot wait!
- We’ve made this recipe twice in the last week. It’s super easy and so darn good! This is going to be a new staple in our house. Let me know if you try it!
- Another food related item but we obviously have a bunch of apples after apple picking and I wanted apple crisp but didn’t want to have a whole apple crisp in my house while simultaneously trying to lose the rest of this baby weight. Enter this apple crisp for 2! We made this last year too and it is without a doubt one of the best things I’ve had in a long time. Why do I love food so much?
- I bought these slip-ons at the tail end of my pregnancy for Fall and they are one of the best shoe purchases I’ve made in a long time! So comfortable and super on trend. I’ve worn them a ton lately. And they’re 30% off right now so if you’re in the market for some new shoes, definitely get these! I wish they made them in more colors.
- Seriously, another hurricane is coming?! Granted, it’s not likely for VA to get anything major given its current trajectory but really, can’t hurricane season be over already?
- I’m over hearing/reading/watching anything political. The end.
Wow, that chicken recipe looks sooooo good. I will try it this week!