- Does anyone else remember Clearly Canadian? Because I remember loving them and THEY’RE BACK! We’re not close to a HY-VEE but I’ll definitely be looking at World Market for them.
- We (read: Tyler) installed a patio a few weeks ago so we spent a large portion of our Memorial Day getting everything set up. It was a labor of love (mostly on Tyler’s part) but it’s done and its gorgeous! We’re looking forward to spending lots of time out there this summer.
- Also related, we bought all of our new patio stuff at Lowes while they were running their Memorial Day sale. Rather than buying it in the store, I ordered everything online using Ebates and selected Store Pick-up (which is free) and our order was ready when we got there. And since I used Ebates, I got $44 back on our purchase. Seriously, if you’re not using Ebates, you’re a crazy person. Bonus – They’ll give you $10 for the first $25 you spend on stuff you were gonna buy anyway. Just sayin’, it’s free money.
- So, on the UC front, I was having major issues last week. Like really bad. And then I realized I always seemed to notice issues after I had my morning coffee. So, after some coaxing by Tyler, I decided to cut it out to see if I saw any improvement in my symptoms. Guess what? Things are SO much better! Which is bittersweet because I love not having the symptoms but, hello, coffee. How does one with a child go without coffee? I’m already tired thinking about it. UGH!
- I’m seriously struggling with motivation/time to work out recently. I had gotten into a pretty good swing while I was (kinda) training for the Uncorked Half Marathon but since then, I’ve seriously been struggling to find (or make) the time. Tyler leaves early for work not leaving me with coverage for Liam to go for a run and when I get home I only have roughly 2 hours with Liam before he goes to bed so I don’t want to take away from my time with him or then my one-on-one time with Tyler. I know every working Mom struggles with this but seriously, tell me how you do it!
- Why is everything at Target so cute right now?! Seriously, I went in last week and wanted the entire clothes section. Not the teen boho-y section, but the more mature Merona section. Please tell me you know what I’m talking about.
- Yassss this list of Jokes about Marriage. #2, #14, #35. All the time.
- I coaxed Tyler into watching Moana the other night and it was really good! I’d like to tell you we rented it for Liam (and he did “watch” 30 minutes of it or so) but I really just wanted to see what all the hype was about. Still gotta say though, I’m more of a Frozen girl.
- If you follow me on Instagram stories, you saw me post about this Iowa Girl Eats Icebox cake. Its seriously the easiest dessert to make and holy cannoli it was so good. And gluten free. I took a shortcut and used Cool Whip in place of making homemade whipped cream but still. So, so good. Do yourself a favor and make it and be amazed.
- We went to the South of the James Farmer’s Market this weekend for the first time all year. Man, I forgot how much I love that place! If you live in Richmond and have never been, you definitely need to check it out! I got a few yummy gluten-free options and we shared some delicious breakfast from Southern Charm BBQ Company. Best BBQ we’ve had in a long time!