- While we have a mix of glass and plastic storage containers, this is eye-opening about some of the storage container lids. I honestly have never thought to check! Thankfully, most of our glass containers (we love these) don’t have that type of lid but if you do, it’s a must read! Mold is the worst.
- Did you know that McDonald’s is offering free french fries each week with a purchase of $1 or more with their app? All you have to do is download the app! So basically, go get yourself a large Diet Coke for $1 (because all drinks are $1 regardless of size) and grab yourself some fries! And I know I know, fast food is the devil and blah blah blah but don’t lie to me and say you don’t love you some good fast food french fries!
- Why is everything being recalled? Seriously, first romaine lettuce, then ground beef, now bagged salad and then almond milk?! Seriously, what is safe these days?
- I need these everything fried pickles in my life like yesterday. Seriously.
- After scheduling my induction with the hospital, I immediately started freaking out over all of the things I needed to do in the next few weeks. I then proceeded to go to Target to get a few hospital bag items and then come home and start packing my hospital bag in the event this little lady gets crazy and decides to come sooner rather than later. So much to do and so little time it feels like!
- We eat a ton of eggs for 3 people (about 18/week) and it’s good to mix it up sometimes from just scrambled eggs or an egg sandwich. I’ve never thought to make an omelet in a waffle maker but it is a pretty quick way to do it since I can’t flip an omelet for the life of me without screwing it up. The others though? A little weird for my taste.
- If you are a beauty product junkie like myself, there are some great finds on here that are super affordable! Who wants to spend a ton of money on something if you don’t have to to get the same result??
- I saw a very convincing video (read: for a Marketing major, I’m every marketer’s dream) on Facebook that makes this look like the end all be all for cleaners and I have 2 specific spots I want to try it on. Is it a gimmick though?
I pretty much exclusively get fries and Diet Coke from McDonald’s haha. And sometimes a McFlurry. I just can’t resist those! I had a scare with a recall last week because I ate a Trader Joe’s salad for lunch, and then almost immediately, a notification popped up on my phone saying some Trader Joe’s salads were recalled. Luckily, the one that I ate was safe, but it definitely gave me a scare!
Right?! Like literally everything is being recalled. How do you know what is safe and what is going to give you e coli or salmonella or whatever else is the concern that day?