- Somehow, this Saturday marks a month until I’m set to be induced. How is this real life? Didn’t I just find out I was pregnant?
- If you’re not watching Yellowstone yet, what are you even doing with your life? It’s basically the best thing to ever be played on TV and Tyler and I are obsessed.
- I’m still trying to convince Tyler that a trip to Disney while I’m on maternity leave is a good idea. This Disney planning guide is a great help though for me to keep dreaming! It’d be easy to take a newborn and 2 year old, right?!
- When does it become socially acceptable to start baking Fall dishes? Because I’d like to make just about all of these before it becomes time for me to shed this baby weight.
- Since I’m still not feeling a full meal at dinner most nights, I’m totally down with just a good baked potato with butter, salt and pepper. I need to try these tips though because mine usually end up having to be put in the microwave because they’re not done in the middle and I have as much patience as a two year old.
- Just an update on my search for the newly released Lays potato chip flavors, I still haven’t found them anywhere. If you find them let me know! I will totally track them down.
- I really want to hit up the local drive-in theater this weekend…until I saw that the first movie doesn’t start until 8:45 and it’s a double feature. Mama can’t hang that late!
- Since Summer is basically over in a month, what are your last minute summer bucket list items? I definitely want to try to hit up our local peach orchard and the pool a few more times (weather permitting since we can basically float away at this point in Virginia).
I totally panicked when I realized summer was almost over. My end of summer bucket list includes kayaking, river tubing, and going to a baseball game.
I’m working on my fall bucket list now so I don’t panic again come November. Spoiler alert: fall recipes are going to be alllll over my fall bucket list 🙂
I had a baked potato last night for dinner, too. Mimi would be so proud! I added sautéed onions and mushrooms, salt and pepper, then added some jalapenos coz that’s how I roll. It was yummy!