- I partnered with PinkBlush again and this dress is ah-mazing! Super cute, comfortable and, best of all, affordable! They have both maternity and non-maternity clothes so definitely check them out!
- Can some please explain to me why the RompHim is a thing? Please tell me this is just a joke. I don’t know what I’d do if I actually saw a guy wearing one in public…
- A BED THAT MAKES ITSELF? I could have used this all those years I had to make my bed growing up when my Mom made me do it…or now as an adult who very rarely makes the bed much to my husband’s chagrin. While I hate taking the time to make the bed in the morning (read: I never have time to between getting ready and chasing Liam around), it does feel so much better climbing into bed at the end of the day when your bed is made versus having to straighten out all of your covers and, in our case, shake off some dog hair.
- If you’re local to Richmond, this is pretty crazy. I actually saw this woman at Gaskins and Broad yesterday before I saw this video. Even better, justice was served and she was arrested yesterday after she threw 3 full Gatorade bottles at a woman’s car. Insane.
- I think I might eat these all summer long.
- I’ve been working on a Sleep Training post for a few weeks and right when I thought I was ready to post it…Liam’s nighttime sleep got all wonky again. So, stay tuned on that one. In the mean time, send coffee.
- Also, why can’t I eat these Totchos and be skinny? Nachos are seriously one of my favorite foods. Right up there with salads (I know I’m weird). Salad is a lot friendlier on the hips though.
- Last week while on a quick trip to Whole Foods to grab lunch, I passed a display of Presto Sparkling Rose cans. Life = made. Delicious rose in a portable container. The lady at the checkout counter only looked at me slightly funny as I checked out with my salad and 4 cans of rose.