- Currently accepting recommendations for shows to binge on Netflix while on maternity leave in a few months! I’m planning to re-watch Dawson’s Creek because, well, it was amazing but I need someone new ones too!
- Now that Summer is in full swing, I’m looking to break out all of our favorite Summer dishes. Loving this list of ideas to get us started. #9 is a classic that we make all summer long. I do think they forgot the simplest of simple recipes though – Cucumber and tomato salad! So easy, so light and so fresh for hot summer days! I made some this weekend and I have been gobbling it up.
- I feel like I have tried about every mascara known to man trying to find the best of the best. This article has tons of great information on all sorts of mascara tips and tricks. However, my lashes are pathetic so I’ll probably still stick to my falsies for everyday because they’re just so darn perfect!
- Call it a crazy pregnancy craving or call it delicious (I’m going to call it both) but this white clam pizza sounds absolutely amazing right now. I’m not so sure I can get Tyler onboard with this craving though.
- I still can’t believe we lost both Kate Spade and Anthony Bourdain last week. It truly goes to show you that while someone may appear to “have it all”, you really have no idea what they are battling behind closed doors. My heart goes out to their families.
- Can someone please bake this for me? I definitely don’t need to eat it but man it sounds and looks simply scrumptious!
- Kind of obsessed with Vineyard Vines Shark Week line of shirts. Why is Shark Week such a phenomenon?
- I get a ton of questions/comments on my sunglasses and DIFF just released four new colors in the same style. And you can get 20% off your purchase with this link.