- Well this is a little disheartening. I guess y’all can ignore my question from last week because apparently it doesn’t matter.
- Much like the majority of Americans, I love Ranch dressing. What’s not to love about ranch dressing? It’s creamy and delicious and tastes good on pretty much everything. Well, Hidden Valley Ranch is giving away a $35,000 (no, that’s not a typo) bottle of ranch dressing inspired by the impending wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle. Heres my question though, what does one do with a $35,000 bottle of ranch? You certainly can’t use it so do you just put it on a shelf and dust it every so often?
- The Pottery Barn and Lilly Pulitzer collaboration launches this Friday and I cannot wait! Seriously, I’m going to be so broke. There’s no coincidence that it launches the day after I get paid though.
- This is not a drill! Free ice cream cones are being given out at Dairy Queen on 3/20 to celebrate the first day of Spring. You know where I’ll be that day.
- Springing Forward has completely thrown me for a loop. Waking up with it completely dark outside and it being light until almost 8 o’clock seems so foreign after a long winter. I’m definitely looking forward to more time in the evenings for family walks after dinner!
- The olympics were fun and all but it’s so nice to have all of our shows back! Currently loving: Homeland, Bull, and Blind Spot. Oh and Kepner and Arizona being off the Grey’s next season? Not a fan.
- Moms: give me your best backpack diaper bag recommendations! JuJuBe? Itzy Ritzy? We’re definitely going to need something easier to manager once the new baby is here.
- Let’s talk about this snow we got. Is it Spring or is it still Winter? NOT OK VIRGINIA.
Previous Let’s Talk Tuesday posts:
I used stretch mark crème during my pregnancy and it worked!
Well then I guess you proved that study wrong!
I’m so over the winter. As someone with autoimmune problems that get worse during cold weather there’s never anything fun about it, but I’m so ready for sunshine and nice weather. Here’s hoping for spring flowers and spring weather soon.
I am so with you! Let’s bring on flip flop weather!