- Ummm there is a Pickle Day in NYC’s Lower East Side?! Why can’t we have cool stuff like this near me?? I would totally go overboard eating all the pickle things (maybe not the ice cream though?) and be in total pickle heaven. If only it were going on while we were in NYC in April!
- With the Olympics putting a damper on our TV watching schedule, Tyler and I binge watched The Punisher on Netflix and, if you’re into dark, murder/government conspiracy shows, you need to watch this soon! Good news is, they’re making a 2nd season! We only have 2-3 episodes left and I’m so sad about it. And for the record, it did take some convincing for me to watch this as I’m not typically a Marvel fan but it totally won me over.
- These 12 Nerdy Cooking Tips are super smart. I knew 11 and 12 but putting berries in hot water to make them last longer? Definitely news to me. I’ll be trying that after we get groceries this weekend.Yesterday Liam was playing on a bounce house and I went to grab him as he went down the slide and my lip/tooth collided with his head. Fortunately, his has a hard head and was just fine. My lip, on the other hand, was not. I bit part of it off and now have a nice scab right on the center of my upper lip. It’s a really good look.
- Has anyone tried this Tuxedo Teeth Whitening Charcoal Powder? In my old age my teeth have gotten sensitive which is the main downfall to traditional whitening treatments but momma needs to whiten these teeth. All suggestions welcome!
- I want to try this Queso Crockpot Chicken Chili but with temps averaging over 50 the past few weeks, I feel like our chili eating days are behind us. Anyone else only eat chili when it’s cold out?
- While Tyler took Liam to the grocery store on Sunday morning, I finally tackled a literal mountain of clothes Liam can no longer fit in and sorted through them. We purged a bit that had seen its share of wear and tear and organized the rest to go up into the attic. Does anyone else get a huge satisfaction out of organizing the crap out of stuff? I was literally sweating when I was done but I can actually see the closet floor now which makes me one happy momma.
- We’re still well over a month away from Easter but how perfect would this cake be for Easter lunch or dinner? Or just to devour by yourself. No judgement here.
- Local RVA restaurant Comfort is now going to start donating their net profits to our local food bank. How amazing is that? I haven’t been there in a few years but I think it’s time to change that.