- If you remember from my last Lets’ Talk Tuesday or saw my Instagram Stories today, we were planning to repaint what had been “Dixie’s room” to make it a pseudo playroom for Liam until he eventually moves in there for good. Well, we had it painted today and it looks ahhh-mazing! We used Revere Pewter and covered up the nasty, purple wall the previous owners left and it makes the room feel so much more inviting! And let me just tell you, I painted almost every room in my old house and it is SO worth the money to pay someone to paint for you and just come home from work and it’s done. Now I can’t wait to start decorating!
- I know I’m a week late but do you make New Year’s resolutions? I typically don’t because, well, I usually stop doing them. Anyone else struggle with keeping up with resolutions? Or do I just have no will power?
- Over the weekend, while it was a whopping 5 degrees outside, I went to Walmart to go grocery shopping and had my first toddler meltdown that made me completely mortified. Seriously. Somehow Liam’s paci went missing and he was kicking and screaming in the cart all over grapes I decide not to buy. So what did I do? give him 2 strawberries for him to gnaw on just to realize I left the diaper bag in the car and just watched the strawberry juice drip down his face. Fortunately, we found someone handing out samples and I stole a few napkins to get him cleaned up but whew! I was majorly sweating by the end of it. More of a reason to order your groceries online!
- And right after the aforementioned tantrum, I knew Liam was hungry and I had a car full of groceries to unload so I went through the Chick-fil-a drive-thru to get him lunch and got myself an order of fries. Well, we made it through the drive-thru just to realize my fries weren’t in the bag! So I parked, realized I was next to a ledge and could hardly open Liam’s door to get him out of his car seat, went into the store with our bag and not ONE person apologized or said my pleasure. NOT ONE! I have to say, that was my worst Chick-fil-a experience ever. I’ll still go back but come on! They’re known for their courteousness.
- I feel like I’m starting to get overrun with makeup and need some additional storage. I have an acrylic organizer now that I found at Marshall’s a few years ago but it’s just not cutting it for everything I have now (first world problems). Leave your suggestions below!
- So we have an Amazon Echo and I just got an Echo Spot for our room. Tell me, are the lightbulbs worth it? I struggle spending that much for lightbulbs. And then I fear I’m going to like the convenience and want them everywhere.
- Oh and I got this camera to go with the Spot because it’s compatible with the Spot and has an app so we can use it was a wireless baby monitor as well. Just need to figure out how to work them though…
- Right before our cruise I tried out the SNS dip nails. Why had I never tried this?! It’s basically the same as gel polish in the length of time it lasts but I always struggled with the gel polish peeling up and it doesn’t happen with the dip polish! If you haven’t tried it, you must! I promise you’ll like it.
- Did you watch the National Championship last night? I could really careless about football but, naturally, Tyler wanted to watch it. Truthfully, I didn’t make it through the whole thing but I saw this morning that Alabama won. Tyler was rooting for Georgia so he was a little bummed but for me, it’s just another day?
- Valentine’s Day is right around the corner and now that we took Christmas down I’m ready to decorate again. Is it too soon? Do I have to wait til February? I’m itching to decorate now…