- The dress above is from PinkBlush and is so comfortable! We went to the Hanover Tomato Festival on Saturday and it was light enough that I wasn’t too hot (that’s a lie it was 90 degrees) but it was nice and flown so it allowed for some air flow to help keep me (somewhat) cool.
- Why do weekends after a holiday weekend feel like they are bout 5 minutes long? Can’t every weekend be a 4-day weekend? I’ll even settle for a 3-day weekend.
- Can you remember life before the internet? I barely can. I feel like we got super cool dial-up AOL (that came on a CD in the mail) in the 4th grade. I was so cool my first screen name was JamminRy1…which is even cooler because I copied my friends screen name and just used my name on the end instead. I can feel your jealousy of how cool I was back then from here!
- 15 Really Obvious Ways to Tell if Someone is a Millennial Parent. Guilty as charged. Already planning out Liam’s 1st birthday party.
- Related to the above, we’re starting to throw around idea of what to get him and I feel like the list of stuff I want to get him is a mile long. Help! What are you 1 yr. + baby faves?
- I mentioned here that I had ordered my first Stitch Fix and that I was going to do a full review but, unfortunately, I wasn’t that thrilled. I kept one shirt but was just kind of “meh” with everything else. Not sure if I didn’t convey what I was looking for well enough to my stylist but I felt like a lot of the stuff looked a little too mature for me. I’m not a frumpy Mom yet. I’m still a young, hip Mom!
- McDonald’s is offering FREE ICE CREAM on Sunday, July 16th. You’re welcome.
- Chipotle is testing queso finally?! About time! Hopefully they actually roll it out so we actually get to try it here in Virginia.
- We’re a little Gordon Ramsay obsessed in our house and while some of these hacks are pretty standard to me, we did #11 the other day and they were the BEST EGGS I HAVE EVER EATEN. And I’ve caught Tyler doing #2 before.
- We are still seriously loving the Piniic app! Tyler and I both go in and add things to the shopping list as we think of them, add to-do list items, calendar events. It’s so great I can’t even begin to explain. Check them out!
Y’all are too cute!