This post series is one I had started when I had my old blog Spicy Richmond and really enjoyed so I thought I would bring it back. It’s just a fun way for me to share little ramblings without doing a full blown post. Hopefully y’all like it!
- This post by Balanced Ames is everything. As a new (this go-round) blogger, her story about obsessively checking blog stats, and wondering why I’m gaining and then losing Instagram followers really resonated with me. I definitely struggle with wanting off the chart blog stats and 10k+ followers on Instagram but that’s just not realistic only 2 weeks into starting this blog. We are our biggest critics and I definitely needed to read this!
- Unicorn frappuccinos? I totally can’t get down on this. For starters, I haven’t drank frappucinos since high school (although Caramel fraps were my jam and are super delicious) but secondly, there’s no coffee in it. What good does that do me when I’m sleep deprived and desperately in need of a morning pick me up? Ain’t nobody got time for that. Oh, and we won’t even go into the whole diabetes debacle. Not to mention it just generally sounds gross. It does look pretty though. Very Lisa Frank-esque.
- Smoothie bowls. Am I totally missing the boat here? I’ve never tried one or made one but I’m intrigued. They’re all over Instagram and i feel like I’m weird eating my eggs and not a bowl of healthy goodness. Question: Why not put it in a cup though? I don’t understand this. I guess you can’t top it with bananas, granola, etc. in a cup but it’s a smoothie not cereal. Also, unless it’s a weekend, who has time to make these masterpieces before work in the morning? I typically eat breakfast in my car soooo this isn’t exactly easy to transport.Explain to me what I’m missing here.
- See also: I want to try Pitaya smoothies/smoothie bowls. Mainly because they’re hot pink and look pretty. But are they good? I don’t want to buy a 16 pack and realize I hate it. Or have my husband kill me for spending $45 (before shipping obvi) on smoothie packs.
- Also semi-related to the above, Millennial pink. Who knew it was a thing but it totally makes sense to me now. That color is everywhere right now. The Quirk Hotel. The Pink Drink. (Still haven’t tried one of those either, btw. Apparently I’m anti-everything popular at Starbucks. Give me an Iced Venti Skinny Vanilla Latte all day every day.)
- I want (read: need) to whiten my teeth but don’t want to pay for professional whitening from my dentist. Give me all the recommendations.
- Recently I discovered Declan + Crew and I pretty much want one of everything. Especially the “Thankful for Leggings Dry Shampoo and Caffeine” Shirt. Need that in my life STAT.
- Richmond was named #6 on Travel and Leisure’s list of America’s Favorite Cities for Brunch 2016. Love seeing our “little” town make it on big lists like this. Plus, I love brunch so I totally agree with this. And now I wish it was Saturday so I could brunch it up.
- Jack Rogers and Reese Witherspoon’s lifestyle brand, Draper James, partnered together and are coming out with a special line of sandals. Hello Darlin’ shoes? I die.
You are not alone in wondering about those smoothie bowls… I would love to have time to make that in the morning but my kids absolutely have to have breakfast within 5 minutes of waking up or they are SO CRANKY. There’s no time for that in our house. I’m lucky if I can start the coffee maker before someone cries.
FYI- they sell fresh dragon fruit at Wegman’s if you want to try it without committing to a $75 purchase. I’ve been meaning to pick some up since I think the pink color would be great for a make-the-night-before smoothie that disguises some extra veggies for my 3 year old’s breakfast.
I’m glad someone else is with me! Its like I want to be cool enough to make those and be able to snap perfectly style pictures of them for Instagram but that’s just not my reality. I struggled throwing some granola and sliced banana into a yogurt cup before work today. lol And I will definitely check Wegman’s! I have been avoiding that place since I always seem to leave with ALL THE THINGS I never knew I always needed while I was there but for this I think I can make an exception. 🙂