Somehow an entire month has gone by since our sweet Ellie joined our family and I can hardly believe it! Leading up to her birth I was nervous how I could have the same amount love for her that I had for Liam because it didn’t seem humanly possible. However, just as everyone said, your heart really does double in size (or I’m assuming triple or quadruple) and I find myself with an abounding amount of love for these two precious babies we have been blessed with. I really don’t think I have ever felt so grateful and blessed until I became a Mom. It truly is the greatest thing I have ever done.
Just as I did with Liam, I plan to do monthly updates for Ellie both to share with all of you as well as a journal for myself to look back on. So why don’t we get to it?
What’s New:
Well, pretty much everything! She really is a quiet baby in comparison to Liam. She will cry if her needs aren’t being met but other than that she’s pretty content which is wonderful. I felt like Liam fussed quite a bit more than she did. Unless she’s in her carseat. Girlfriend really doesn’t like being in her carseat. Lord help us whenever we need to take a trip somewhere that’s farther than 5 minutes because she literally cries like someone is chopping off her arm and works herself up into a sweat. So yeah, that’s fun.
I don’t want to jinx anything so I don’t want to say much here for risk of ruining a good thing. But, she is most definitely a better sleeper than her brother was. Liam was up what felt like every 1-2 hours for the first 2ish months eating which led to a very exhausted momma. Ellie on the other hand has typically been going down around 10:30-11:00 and waking up between 1:00-2:30 and then again between 4:00-5:30. Let’s just say those 10:30-2:30 stretches felt like I had won the sleep lottery! However, for only being a month old, I will definitely take 2 wake-ups a night.
Now watch, she’ll be up 3-4 times tonight.
I still need to write Ellie’s birth story (I know, I know I’m slacking!) but she latched on in Labor and Delivery and has been a great eater ever since! We have been exclusively breastfeeding up until this week when we gave her her first bottle to start getting her used to them for a few upcoming events we need to leave her with a sitter for and of course, heading back to work in a few weeks. I was only able to breastfeed Liam for about 4.5 months before my milk supply dried up and I have been praying for a good breastfeeding journey for us both. I am hoping to be able to nurse Ellie longer (preferably for a year) but know that a fed baby is best so if nothing else, I am happy for being able to provide for her this long. Anything else after that is an added bonus.
- Eating
- Being held
- Her big brother
- Her paci (sort of)
- Changing clothes
- Having a dirty diaper
- Her car seat
1 month favorites:
- Rock ‘n Play Auto Sleeper
- Dock-A-Tot Deluxe
- Boppy ComfyFit Baby Carrier
- Woombie Swaddle
- Boppy Lounger
- Graco DreamGlider Swing and Sleeper
- Boppy Nursing Pillow
- Kick ‘N Play Piano Gym
- Saranoni Blanket
- Spectra S2 Breast Pump
- Angelcare Baby Bath Support