Hallmark Christmas mug
Hallmark Christmas movies have developed a cult following in the past few years and y’all know I’m one of their avid followers! This mug is adorable and would be great for enjoying hot chocolate or event a hot toddy while watching a Hallmark Christmas movie all snuggled up in cozy Christmas jammies.
Spanx leggings
So this is a gift that is on my personal wish list and some women may be offended and assume you think they need these. However, they need them. They’re pricey but are also super slimming and flattering. And let’s be real, we all need something slimming when baked goods and adult beverages are abundant this time of year.
Chanel perfume
This was included in my Gift Guide last year but it’s a classic, feminine fragrance I feel like all women need! I do prefer the eau de toilette versus the eau de parfum. I feel like the eau de parfum smells more old lady like but it could just be me.
Capri Blue Volcano Candle
I love candles. Like love love candles. But why do they have to be so dang expensive? I personally opt for a WalMart candle or wax melt more often than not because I just can’t justify spending $30 on a candle. However, Christmas is the perfect time to get people gifts they wouldn’t typically buy for themselves. If you love the smell of Anthropologie then you love the smell of this candle. They’re pricey but smell absolutely amazing and are sure to be a hit with whoever the recipient is.
Face Mask Gift Set
Y’all know how much I love Peter Thomas Roth’s products and if you follow me on Instagram you may have seen on my story yesterday that I found a big wrinkle on my eye. Now more than ever I feel like I need to give my skin a little extra love and what better than it doubling as self care? I use 2 of these products every single day. It’s an amazing value at the price of about 2 of the products but it is pricey. Alternatively, this mask set is a great value and a good way to get to try a bunch of different masks without getting the full size products.
Ugg Bailey Boots
We bought Ellie a baby pair of these and I’m not going to lie, I’m dying to match her. These are just too cute and the bows are such a sweet touch. I love having a boy (and a momma’s boy at that) but having a little girl to match with is basically the best thing ever.
Again, I love a good monogram and I love Jewelry has a monthly monogram box subscription where you can get special items each month in a size you identified and with your monogram on it. I shared this month’s monobox items on my Instagram last week for reference.
Sherpa Pullover
Sherpa’s have practically taken over the internet this past fall. It seems like everyone has one. I actually don’t have one (I’m just as surprised as you are) but they look so cozy and warm! This one is currently 35% off.
iPhone, Airpods and Apple Watch charging stand
How annoying are the 85 cords you have to charge all of your devices? The answer is really freaking annoying. This is on my list to get for both Tyler and myself. I will then proceed to do a happy dance that there is no longer a jumbled mess of cords next to our bed and that my Apple watch doesn’t fall down behind my bedside table because the charge slid.
Fresh Sugar Gift Set
Y’all know I love the Fresh Lip Treatments and this gift set is an amazing value! You get 4 lip balms in sheer and pink tints. They’re a smidge smaller than the full size product but it’s a great way to try out a few of the products to see which is your favorite.
2-in-1 Coffee and Espresso Maker
Admittedly, I have both a Keurig and a Nespresso. Also admittedly, I pretty much never use my Nespresso. I usually just let Starbucks make me a latte when I want one. I’ve also notice our Keurig isn’t putting out as much coffee as it used to despite having been cleaned so I feel like 4 years might be it’s max life. I could also save myself some counter space with one of these bad boys. I saw a blogger on Instagram use the frother on it too and it looks pretty nice to have everything located in one appliance versus two.
Makeup Brush Set
I love makeup and have since I was little. But something I’ve never loved shelling out money for? Brushes. I’ve bought a few high end brushes but end up opting for a less expensive option and am just as happy with the results if not more happy. I have a few of the brushes from this brush set and definitely have this on my personal wish list.
If you own a tote bag, you know how they can turn into a black hole where things go to never be found again. This handy dandy little thing makes it so you can have a ton of storage in your bag and everything have it’s own place so it’s easy to find. They also come in a multitude of colors to match the bag you’re using it for. I have the original size in my Neverfull MM and it fits perfectly.